Services Redemptiom Sovereign

Initial Processes

Acquire Diplomatic Status $2,000.00

Acquiring Diplomatic Status, and immunities as a result, will help accommodate you in your reach towards personal freedom as well as building a church or other ecclesiastical organization larger than yourself.

Again, we will create the necessary documentation, and instructions for you to do the filings, but cannot file these documents for you. You must do yourself or a member of your family.

Documents that are included in the package.

· Declaration of Mission Statement

· Affidavit of Notice of Default & of Res Judicata

· UCC 3 Amendment Form

· Accepted Diplomatic Status

· Administrative Demand

· Memorandum of Record

· Chargeback

What we need to be able to complete the filing.
As Sovereign Filing Solutions mardeoro will be an agent in creating these documents only, and we will NOT be filing any of these documents on your behalf, it is not necessary for us to have a power of attorney. Sovereign Filing Solutions will need information that is pertinent to these documents, including but not limited to the filing number received back from your SPC filing, address, etc...

Acquire Diplomatic Status


(Filing Not Included)

Obtenga su Diplomacia en la
Parte Real Privada
Presente su estado Financiero para el Descargo de Cualquier Deuda o proceso Judicial en cualquier parte del planeta
Obtenga sus Derechos de Autor, sobre su nombre como Propiedad Intelectual y Libérese de todos los males civiles.
Sea parte de los Tratados y Convenios Internacionales, pásese a la Parte Real Privada y Proteja su Familia y sus Pertenecías, su Cuerpo Cumple con las Requisitos para su Status como Nación Soberana
Obtenga su bono del Tesoro para el descargo de cualquier obligación monetaria o Cancelar Cualquier Cargo presentado a su Propiedad Intelectual
A curved facade covered in white latticework
A curved facade covered in white latticework
Colateral proteja sus bienes